Track Rotor Blades

You must track rotor blades when you hover a new helicopter for the first time, because if they’re out of track, the helicopter will shake and vibrate. If you’re a beginner, find an experienced helicopter pilot to help you adjust them. Don't try to track the rotor blades by yourself; you'll have your hands full just trying to keep the helicopter stable.

First, to track rotor blades, you should to attach a strip of colored tape near the tip of each blade; use different colors (red and blue are highly visible). The tapes make it easy to identify which blade is out of track. Now have your instructor hover the helicopter. Look at the rotor-disc circumference; if the blades are in track, you should see a single circle. If you see two (one above the other), the blades are out of track and must be adjusted. 

Land the helicopter, wait for the blades to stop, and then track rotor blades by adjusting the low blade to match the high blade or vice versa (your helicopter instruction manual should show you which linkages to adjust). Hover the helicopter again and check the blades; if the blade circles do not appear as one line, continue your modifications until they do. When you perform the track rotor blades procedure, there will be a noticeable difference in the handling of your radio controlled helicopter.

Content, courtesy Model Airplane News

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