Pico Tiger Moth Slow Flyer

Introducing the GWS Pico Tiger Moth Slow Flyer. Before they went on to distinguish themselves in the Battle of Britain, many a Royal Air Force fighter ace learned the fundamentals of flight at the controls of DeHavilland's venerable Tiger Moth. 

The Tiger Moth's forgiving flight manners and elegant lines endeared many a young English aviator in much the same way as the J-3 Cub enchanted thousands of novice pilots in the U.S.. More than six decades later the Tiger Moth continues to symbolize the elegance and adventure of flight for thousands of aviation enthusiasts.

GWS captures the essence of this golden era classic, the pico tiger moth slow flyer, in a delightfully scale-looking slow flyer kit that possesses the same pleasing flight characteristics as its full-scale inspiration- and it's ideal for indoor flight. 

Read more about the pico tiger moth slow flyer, an absolutely fun and delightful plane to fly. Even after you move up to your next plane, the slow flyer will keep your interest because of its ease of flight.

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GWS Pico Tiger Moth Slow Flyer

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